march: collective tarot

This message from the tarot is meant to offer support and guidance for the month of March 2024. In this reading I asked that the message come through clear and direct, that it be as useful and applicable as possible, and that it serve the truest Truth and highest good of each individual who receives it. 

There are questions sprinkled into the tarot reading below and you are very much encouraged to use them as journal prompts to help you process what’s going on and coming up for you!

If you find yourself reading this after March 2024, consider that perhaps this message is for you exactly at the moment you need to hear it. 


You aren’t afraid to work in order to get what you want. You’ve been putting in a big effort, but you’re starting to feel a bit burnt out and maybe wondering why you haven’t seen the results you’ve been hoping for yet. 

Have you been hyper focused on one particular pathway to a desired outcome, especially when it comes to  your finances, your daily routine, or career goals? 

The Page of Pentacles reversed asks you to consider if that one particular outcome or result is really going to make you happy. Could your desire be based in your ego instead of what your heart and spirit truly long for?

Maybe you’ve heard the saying “where your attention goes, energy flows”.  Is your attention indeed where you want it to be?

Try opening up your mind to the possibility that the pathway to success might look different than you think it ”should” and make sure that your goals are aligned with your values.

The Queen of Pentacles is a beacon of humility with an easy femininity and a deep connection to the cycles of the natural world. She is a gentle reminder that you are inherently worthy of the stability and abundance you desire, and you can trust that it is coming your way, naturally and with ease. Remember that you can’t bloom all year round, there is a season for everything. You don’t need to push so hard. 

With this card in the reversed position, the Queen of Pentacles asks, “Are you forgetting your innate connection to the rhythms of nature”? “What would it feel like to know in every single cell in your body that you are always safe and provided for? If that were the case, how would you live your life differently”? “What really truly lights you up”? 

If you don’t know where to begin, start by connecting with your inner child. Play and explore a little bit. How would the little kid version of you like to see you spending your time, focusing your attention, and directing your energy? 

How can you take the one track minded focus of the Page and redirect it into the humble confidence and trusting surrender of the Queen? Once you integrate this shift in your efforts and in your heart, what becomes available to you is incredibly beautiful and expansive.

The 3 of Cups reversed reveals that what matters most is our own inner resourcing. As within, so without. Once we shift from hyper vigilance to flowing confidence and trust, we gain access to the deep knowing that there is enough to go around. This month we learn that we cannot pour from an empty cup, but if we find the ways to nurture and hydrate ourselves, we can then go out into our communities and relationships and share, collaborate, connect and make magic in ways more fulfilling than perhaps we even could imagine. 

Suggested tools + allies this month: Hematite, blue lace agate, or turquoise stones, making daisy crowns, making friends with animals, bare feet in the dirt, tulsi + rose tea, motherwort tincture, honey on everything, sound baths, burnout remedy: vibrational elixir + sacred geometry vibrational elixir


april: collective tarot


february: collective tarot