april: collective tarot
This message from the tarot is meant to offer support and guidance for the month of April 2024. In this reading I asked that the message come through clear and direct, that it be as useful and applicable as possible, and that it serve the truest Truth and highest good of each individual who receives it.
There are questions sprinkled into the tarot reading below and you are very much encouraged to use them as journal prompts to help you process what’s going on and coming up for you!
If you find yourself reading this after April 2024, consider that perhaps this message is for you exactly at the moment you need to hear it.
The winds of change are here, we can feel them as we do our best to find our footing. There is something meaningful you are moving towards, but you are in an intentional pause before you take the big leap into the unknown. The focused, deep breath moment before you begin anew. There’s a good chance that this moment is exciting and a little terrifying at once. You can feel the freedom of your own agency, the power you have to show up for your life, show up for yourself, and the bravery that it takes to keep your eyes on the prize and courageously step towards it. But there is a part of you that knows that your wild and tender spirit will accept nothing less than its beautiful destiny. It’s almost like you can feel yourself being magnetized towards something that is meant for you. You can feel that you are guided, you are protected, and you have support as you walk your unique path. Close your eyes and see if you can imagine your guides, ancestors, loved ones, angels and protectors all gathering behind you in a semi-circle of support and love to usher you into a new iteration of your life’s path. Isn’t it exhilarating to trust your inner knowing?
The Lovers card is here to let us know that it’s ok to let down our guard a bit and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. As individuals and as a collective we are moving towards love, towards care, and a place of comfort this month. This could literally mean that romantic love is near, but more than likely this is a message that you are moving towards a place of love and understanding in relationship with yourself. When we allow ourselves more grace and care, when we shift to speaking to ourselves with kindness, when we extend our own shadows more light and compassion, we see a direct correlation in the ways we’re able to perceive our own experiences. Before we know it our stories are forever changed. We see life happening for us instead of against us. As within, so without… as we mend our relationship with ourselves, we begin to mend the relationships in our lives. And so the circle of compassion and acceptance spreads slowly wider and wider into our families, friendships, communities, and the collective consciousness that we all share. You are soon arriving in a place of feeling very held and supported. Where are the places in your life that you can release victimhood and lean even further into compassionate acceptance?
The Sun card turns up to light the way as we transition from the anticipatory and pregnant moment of the 6 of Swords to the comforting and tender energy of The Lovers. Remember who you are and what you stand for. Know that all parts of you are welcome in this mysterious life. Allow yourself to flourish in the warmth of the sun and find rest and refuge in the shade. It can be tempting to get caught up in the worry or cyclicall thnking as we walk straight into the portal of big change and transformation. Do your best to resist this fear and worry. Connect to the sun within you, your strong will, your inner knowing, feel yourself strong and steady, When you notice yourself coming repeatedly back to the “what ifs” or the worst case scenarios in your mind, remember that you have the power to anchor your mind into your own personal mantra of trust. Try whispering to yourself each morning and each night, with sunrise and sunset, “I trust that the universe is organizing for the highest good of all”. What might happen if you truly allowed yourself to believe it?
Stay curious, stay brave, stay true to your inner knowing.