october collective tarot
As always, I’ve set the intention that this collective reading be clear, useful, and offer guidance for the greatest good of all. This month I pulled 3 cards, what we need less of is 7 of Cups (reversed), what we need more of is Ace of Cups (reversed), and finally a special message of encouragement from Queen of Cups (reserved).
My goal in sharing these readings is to spark moments of reflection and offer opportunities to connect with your own inner knowing. You are your own most precious compass.
If you enjoy these collective tarot readings and are interested in a custom e-tarot reading that addresses your specific question or circumstances, you can read more and purchase your reading here!
The 7 of Cups reversed asks that you stop letting your indecision rule your internal state. In this life there are seemingly infinite possibilities. You can look at that as chaos that leaves you overwhelmed, immobilized, frozen, or you can look at that as a gift and an opportunity to collaborate with the forces of the universe to set your sights on what you really desire and move towards it. As you consider what choice to make or what direction to move in, try to shift a feeling of being stuck or frozen into a feeling of hope and possibility.
Less fear, more hope.
The Ace of Cups reversed echoes the message of the 7 of Cups reversed. Is it possible that you are considering so many options and ideas that you have lost sight of your inner knowing and intuition? Yes, there are many options in this life, but some are much better suited for you than others. Instead of a new idea or feeling leading you closer to yourself and your path, this abundance of ideas and possibilities is starting to feel messy and bogged down. Let your mess be your guide. Clear out the space of your mind. Take a look at what’s there, the thoughts and ideas, the options that are flooding your precious headspace, and then be very clear about what brings you joy and what does not. If something doesn’t feel like you, or like a version of you that you would like to emerge, just let it go.
This may be a message that it’s time for a cleansing of your body, mind, or space you live or work in, be it energetic or physical. Remember that a cleansing doesn’t always feel like you’re at a weekend retreat sipping tea and receiving massage, sometimes it can be disorienting or uncomfortable clearing out and releasing gunky sticky bits. After the storm, comes the sun, a new organization and ordering of what remains, and open spaces to intentionally occupy in a new way.
You may be letting go of parts of yourself so that you can see the way forward and make space to step into a new role. A new world of possibilities.
A message of wisdom from the Queen of Cups reversed. Allow your focus to be guided by your creativity. Once you are cleansed and purified, your job is to be led by your inherent divinity, mystery, and inner knowing. You are a channel for wisdom and creation to flow through. We hold information in the waters of our bodies, just like the deep mysterious waters of the sea. Let the inspiration move you toward the next iteration of your life. A new way of being is emerging. You’ll know what to do when the moment to decide arrives. When it does, let go of your rational mind’s desire to control the outcome, and trust your inner knowing with dedication to the sacred flow of life.
Let yourself be moved by love. Let your fears be washed away. Know that you are shaping a new beginning, for yourself and for all of us.
Suggested Allies:
-intentional communion with waters (swim in natural waters, soak in baths or hot springs)
-gentle detox (working with herbs like cleavers and dandelion, eating cleansing foods like beans, arugula, celery juice, and nasturtium flowers)
-consider detoxing from information that is not coming straight from yourself/source (take a break from social media, disregard unsolicited advice, let go of social programming that is not serving you)
-notice what pulls your attention away from creativity, replace scrolling or Netflix and chilling with a creative outlet like drawing, dancing, sudoku, etc.
- integrate “morning pages”/freewriting to clear your mind (The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron)
-focus on hydration and eating foods that make you feel nourished
-Crystal Clear: New Moon Ritual Body Oil formulated with plants and stones that nurture heart-centered boundaries to help you turn your gaze inward, seek clarity from within, and plant seeds of co-creation with the mystery of the universe.
-Glowing Boundaries Vibrational Elixir fortify your natural ability to process, eliminate, integrate, and organize the energies that we interface with in our relationships and environments everyday.