may: collective tarot
I am on the road for several days as I make may journey from California to Maine and I am pulling these cards from a beautiful hot spring in the high desert of northern New Mexico. The energy feels calm and potent here. As always, I’ve set the intention that this collective reading for the month of May be clear, useful, and offer guidance for the greatest good of all. The overarching message to keep in mind this month is this: Liberation from fear, unnecessary suffering, and systems of oppression starts with the courage of individuals who dare to act from the place of love and Truth that lives within each and every one of us. Just like last month, we have themes of having the courage to listen to your own inner guidance.
There are questions sprinkled into the tarot reading below and you are very much encouraged to use them as journal prompts to help you process what’s going on and coming up for you!
If you find yourself reading this after May 2024, consider that perhaps this message is for you exactly at the moment you need to hear it.
8 of Swords reversed and Ace of Cups reversed
The 8 of Swords reversed suggests that you or we as a collective may find ourselves suffering or experiencing inner turmoil this month. Suffering is a natural part of life, and sometimes it is unavoidable, however, this card asks us to consider how much of the pain we may be feeling at this time is self inflicted or necessary. Could we be holding onto some aspect of our pain because it makes us feel like a martyr, or because we’ve been experiencing it for so long that we forgot what it feels like not to carry it? Could it be that in some situation we may be choosing to experience discomfort because it feeds into a belief we may have about ourselves and our identity. Are you holding on too tightly to your emotional discomfort because it keeps you safe in some way? What might happen if you started to loosen your grip?
Sometimes a perspective shift can turn the feeling of being paralyzed by intense feelings into an opening for that intense energy to transform into actionable change.
In a similar vein, if you have avoided looking at or processing some part of your life’s experience, our society, or your inner world that feels dark, this card is here to tell you that you are in fact well resourced enough to process and integrate it. Once you do, an elevated frequency of being in the world awaits you.
Shadow work doesn’t have to be so scary. Shining light into the dark spaces with curiosity instead of fear can be the pathway to freedom you’ve been wishing for. Now is the time to free yourself from unnecessary burdens.
How, you might ask… The Ace of Cups reversed shows up to remind you that you are a deep and steady well of wisdom, literally connected to the flowing magic of Source at all times. Take time to be in nature, swim, soak, meditate, or create quiet space for yourself. Write down any ideas that arise, pay attention to your dreams. What words, feelings, imagery and symbols are coming through? You may catch glimpses of a future version of yourself and little inklings on how to arrive there. Allow yourself to quiet down any voices inside or around you that want to keep you stuck where you are out of fear change. Listen to messages that come through your intuition and act on them. You already have the answers you seek, your task is to be quiet enough and brave enough to listen to them.
Are you curious to reflect on last month? Here's April's 2024 Collective Tarot Reading for your review!