December Collective Tarot

As always, I’ve set the intention that this collective reading be clear, useful, and offer guidance for the highest good of all. This month I pulled 3 cards, the first “What we need less of” is Queen of Wands reversed, the second “What we need more of” is 5 of Pentacles, and the third “A card of wisdom and guidance” is Queen of Pentacles.

Our reading for December 2024

Less: Queen of Wands reversed

We as individuals and as a collective gather up a lot of energy, wisdom, and fortitude from our connection to the element of fire. The transformative energy of fire allows us to create great change, generate warmth and sustenance, and grow the physical and metaphorical seeds we plant. The fire element requires tending, within ourselves and in our world. A fire unkept will either die out or grow out of control. With the Queen of Wands in the reversed position we are advised to question where we might be missing possibilities for transformative change, missing opportunities to stand in our power and our truth, or not stepping in to tend and steward when needed. This might be manifesting as “impostor syndrome”, hopelessness, confusion, overwhelm, or overindulgence. This month it is important to take a look at where your energy is going, identify any leaks in your energy field, and find ways to reclaim yourself, so that you have the energy and clarity you need to create the vision and change you want to see in your life and reflected in the collective. What are little ways that you can tend to the fires that keep you/us content, energized, cozy, and connected?

More: 5 of Pentacles:

This may feel like a time of struggle, as you move through it, remember that you do not have to do it alone. Step away from a myopic viewpoint that keeps you feeling downtrodden or hopeless. There are more options than you think, all you have to do is look around you. You might find yourself in a victim mentality, which is only keeping you in a cycle of despair. You may be keeping your head down, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, but it is likely that you’re missing opportunities to access ideas, resources, life skills, allies etc. Instead of focusing on what’s not working this month, think about what you can learn from the challenges you move through and how you can do simple things differently. Call in more creativity and resourcefulness around how to move through the winter season with hope… think stringing popcorn or tissue paper garlands, potlucks, simple daily self care routines, and making Fire Cider with your friends.

Wisdom/Guidance: Queen of Pentacles

A scarcity mindset shifts to an abundance mindset with a little bit of focus and trust.

Recognize the resources you have that are inherent to you and your unique spirit. The more you are able to cultivate your own sense of worthiness and inner peace, the more you will attract abundance and peace in the outer world. Manifestation is about tapping into the frequency and vibration that you desire and allowing “like to attract like”. This doesn’t mean that you have to “love and light” everything and gloss over reality, but it does mean that as you move through difficult times, it is transformational to keep your cells vibrating at the frequency of hope. Close your eyes and imagine how you want to feel. Connect to the fountain of goodness, wellness, and compassion that is in you and in Mother Earth, a big shift towards a higher vibration and a more fulfilling phase of life is on the horizon. Stay true to the wisdom within you. Find any bit of joy that lives inside of you and treasure it, allow it to lift you up, allow it to act as a seed that holds the more aligned future you desire. The Universe is sending you a knowing wink, a loving little smirk, a signal that it’s all going to be ok, that is all IS ok. Don’t get so wrapped up in keeping your head down that you forget to look up, receive the knowing wink, and smile in your heart ;)

My goal in sharing these readings is to spark moments of reflection and offer opportunities to connect with your own inner knowing. You are your own most precious compass. 

Are you feeling like you could use some unbiased guidance in a particular area of your life? Have a question or dilemma you keep mulling around in your head? Looking to gain some perspective or understanding? Interested in a custom tarot reading that is more specific to you and the energies and themes in your life at this time? A custom e-tarot reading might be for you. Find out more here!


January 2025 collective tarot


November collective Tarot