August collective tarot
As always, I’ve set the intention that this collective reading be clear, useful, and offer guidance for the greatest good of all. This month I pulled 3 cards, what we need more of is 3 of Pentacles reversed, what we need less of is Knight of Swords, and finally a card of encouragement and widsom is 5 of Cups.
My goal in sharing these readings is to spark moments of reflection and offer opportunities to connect with your own inner knowing. You are your own most precious compass.
More: 3 of Pentacles reversed
Less: Knight of Swords
Encouragement/wisdom: 5 of Cups
The 3 of Pentacles is here to encourage you to claim your own self worth. More internal validation of yourself and your commitments to personal growth. You have been very dedicated to something that is really important to you over the past few months, maybe you’ve been working on showing up with more integrity in your relationships, maybe you’ve been working on a project at work very diligently, maybe you’ve been devoted to a meditation or movement practice, or maybe you’ve been diving deep into some type of study or hobby. As your dedication has become more and more a part of your routine, you’ve started to feel really good about how far you’ve come and how your commitment has directly helped you to feel more at ease, capable, and confident overall. You might be wishing someone else would come along and tell you “good job”, I hope they do, but this is a ripe time to honor the strides you’ve been making for yourself. Tell yourself you’re doing a great job and know that your efforts matter. Maybe others around you notice, maybe they don’t, but that’s really not the point. Make sure you’re giving yourself the credit you deserve right now. Be your own best friend. Self love and recognizing the progress you're making is the name of the game this month. And, keep it up, whatever you’ve been doing, it’s working!
The Knight of Swords charges in to say “slow your roll” when it comes to decision making. All of this work you’ve been doing may have you feeling confident and ready to make external changes that reflect the work you’ve been doing, but now is not the time to act hastily or get reactive. Instead of threatening to quit your job, acting like you’re better than others, sending that heated text, playing devil’s advocate just for the fun of the debate, or picking an unnecessary fight, now is a time to play out different scenarios in your head, write in your journal to better understand your emotions, get clear on what you really want, and gather your energy. It is advised to be very deliberate when you do decide express yourself. Big changes may be called for, but bide your time and take it slow. Make choices form a place of inner calm instead of internal tornado.
Finally, encouragement comes in a solemn form with the 5 of Cups. As you consider your options in whatever part of your life is calling for change, try to think outside the box. Don’t be afraid to envision a completely new path or dream up an unexpected solution; it’s clear that the one you’ve been pushing at just isn’t the way. Honor what may be slipping away, what may not be working, or what’s not turning out the way you hoped, but allow yourself enough space for something else or some other way of being to emerge.
Remember, any information is good information, in that it helps you come closer to truth and clarity. Yes, we must honor the losses, sorrows, or flopped attempts we experience, but we must not let them keep us stuck in a loop of misery. Keep moving, you’re almost there.
As the saying goes “change is the only constant”, hold onto your resilience, feel your feelings, keep listening to your inner knowing, and make a decision from a place of internal power.
Recommendations and suggested tools + allies this month:
continuing to dedicate yourself to the practices that lift you up to your highest self
making lists and plans before you act
exploratory guided meditations and breathwork techniques that allow you to get outside of your head and open you up to explore your subconscious mind
marigold flower essence + vibrational elixir to deepen intuition, keep claiming what’s good for you, and release what’s not
psychic immunity vibrational elixir to continue rooting into your own truth and quit seeking external validation